George Politarhos and his team bring you what you should know about retirement and income planning in a fast-paced format. Each week, the hosts and guests on the show discuss the latest developments in the financial world to keep you informed of changes that may affect you personally while sharing some commonsense strategies that will help you make the most out of your retirement savings.
Saturdays at 10 a.m. on 1450 AM WILM
Saturdays at 11 a.m. on 1150AM WDEL
Watch George every other Tuesday from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m. on WPHL-TV as he breaks down the latest financial moves and gives you straight talk about how to shape your retirement.
Checklist for a Successful Retirement
What a Secure Retirement
Should look Like
Protected Growth
George and Angelica Politarhos wrote “Taking Care of Your Family” to provide readers with helpful insight on accomplishing your financial goals. Get your copy by completing the form below.
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